Bryn Newman

Bryn Newman

Creative & Strategy



If you are looking for someone with chutzpah and hustle, I am your gal.

To be frank, I am a pretty unique human being. I combine my left and right brain, blending creative and analytical thinking to make magic (that drives results!).

I live for problem solving of all shapes and sizes. And I don’t like to just get shit done, I like to have a laugh while doing it. Plus, I think it’s extremely important to be as collaborative as possible.

Empathy is my superpower and I personally thrive off of brainstorming, riffing and ideating.

But I don’t just like to come up with ideas, I love to build them. Whether it’s a planning a prototype, getting on the tools or sitting in a directors chair on a production set. I get in the zone when things need to get done and can manage teams or run solo when needed.

My aim is to help startups and small businesses scale while building beautiful, human-centric brands that have loyal and passionate customer bases.

I believe deeply that customer love is the most important metric for every business.

Customer love has a halo effect that drives positive results in so many areas of business (higher LTV, higher retention, lower CPAs, more organic referrals).


Brands I’ve worked with:


MY Background

In early 2013 my parents hit financial hardship that resulted in me having to drop out of university. During that time period I began a business writing papers for other students to help me get enough money to move to San Francisco. 

In August 2013 I landed a dog sitting job for 3 weeks in a penthouse in Pacific Heights. I gave myself a few goals: get a waitressing job, get an internship, and find a place to live. If I could do all of those things, then maybe, just maybe, I could make it on my own in San Francisco. 

Fast forward to my first day of my internship, a fashion startup fresh out of Y Combinator hired a young fashion blogger (me) to help run their social media. The director of marketing who hired me while the founders were out fund raising comes in to the office in tears and hands in her laptop. I was in shock— 19 year old me didn’t know what to do. The director of marketing steps out with the two founders and when they returned, she wasn’t with them. So the founders pulled me aside and asked me who I was, what do I did, and could I start full time.

2.5 years later I helped grow this startup from 100 subscribers to over 50,000 and saw the company grow from 5 employees to 90. I learned immense amounts about growth and digital marketing in this role and it solidified my love for startups. 

Some years later I moved to Australia to try out life abroad, I was 22 and needed to explore what was out there. I landed a job at a Gen Z production company running localised social media for one of the UK’s largest fashion brands, Boohoo, as well as Rimmel London. 

From there I took a position that allowed me to build a team underneath me, helping scale small businesses and establishing their digital foundations. It was an innovative business model where we accelerated hand selected companies, while getting paid for our performance. We worked with healthcare brands, fashion and beauty brands, and children’s brands to grow their online businesses through brand strategy, digital acquisition, and community building. 

In a classic case of an ex-pat living overseas, I faced an issue— my visa. So as much as it pained me to leave the role I was in, I decided to move to a large advertising agency to learn the ropes of working with large clients, gigantic projects, and bigger budgets. 

Each role has taught me so much. I have grown over the last 9 years building out my expertise in all things digital and creative. From facilitating user journey mapping workshops to sketching wireframes or brainstorming influencer strategies, and producing campaign shoots, my remit is robust. I look forward to working with new people, businesses, and challenges – all with a creative flare.

So please, do say hello :)


Bryn was one of the most talented people I have ever had the chance to work with.

/  Brett Northart, PresIdent of Le Tote  /



I specialise in D2C (Direct-to-consumer) and eCommerce businesses who need help with the following:

  • Creative direction

  • Brand strategy and positioning

  • Email marketing (Acquisition, retention)

  • Copywriting

  • Social media strategy and execution

  • Digital acquisition strategy and creative

  • Referral marketing

  • Funnel design (AARRR)

  • Content creation and production (video, image, editorial)

  • Conversion Rate Optimisation

  • Design direction

  • Wireframing

  • Prototyping and MVP planning

  • User testing


Host/Havas, Innovation Lead

2018 – 2020

Marquee Studios, Senior Social Media Manager
2016 – 2017

Digi_Vest, Creative & digital Stratigist
2017 – 2018

Le Tote, Brand marketing Manager
2013 – 2016


Bryn is an extremely rare, unique, exceptional and irreplaceable talent that contributes directly to the bottom line of our clients. Bryn has a unique set of skills not found in my career to date.

/  Claudia north, chief Investment Officer @ Digi_Vest  /